Top 20 Best War Movies Of All Time for Action Movies Lovers

Among all the genres that exist in movies today, the most exciting and probably the most-watched one is war and politics. It is a kind of genre that displays action and existential angst onscreen but is also quite malleable at the same time.

In a way, all kinds of war films depict bloody conflicts, unpredictable lawless atmosphere, casualties and unseen consequences of war, feelings of martyrdom, brotherhood among soldiers and honoring their commitment towards duty and service for the nation, heightened emotions of patriotism and sacrifices made for the nation.

Such great war films not only try to show the realities of war but they also bring out the true emotions that a dying or a fighting soldier goes through along with the sufferings and outcomes of life after the war.

Best War Movies Of All Time

There are numerous war movies that have been made throughout the years. Some of these do actually show the war as in the real world while some are just trash โ€“ with extravagant unrealistic actions and brainless direction.

Certain war movies stand apart and some surely belong to every manโ€™s viewing list of impactful war feature films. So, keeping that in mind, we have compiled the top 20 best and most inspirational war movies of all time and undoubtedly these are a must-watch for all the war movie fans out there.

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Apocalypse Now

Apocalypse Now 1979 Movie Screencaps

This 1979 war movie, directed by Francis Ford Coppola is an Oscar-winning movie that describes the horrors and sacrifices of the Vietnam War.

Captain Willard played by Martin Sheen has been assigned to a dangerous mission in Cambodia where he must kill the god-like tyrant Colonel Kurtz played by the legendary Marlon Brando. The colonel has become the ruler of the local tribe and the movie just brings out the exact emotions of sacrifices made in the times of the Vietnam War.

This tense and masterfully enduring classic movie got 8 Oscar nominations and made its mark by winning 2 Academy Awards, and 3 Golden Globe awards.

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