Top 20 Best War Movies Of All Time for Action Movies Lovers

Das Boot

Das Boot Movie Screencaps

This 1981 German film tells the story of a fictional German submarine and its crew. The movie shows the terrible conditions and circumstances that the German soldiers have to endure during World War II.

It brilliantly evokes the claustrophobia and clamor of undersea battle as the story takes place deep below the surface of the ocean, in a submarine known as German U-boat which patrols the Atlantic Ocean during World War II.

The entire picture of the life in the submarine has been shown through a war correspondent named Werner, played by Herbert Gronemeyer. Jurgen Prochnow gives a spectacular performance as the German U-Boat  Captain. He struggles to maintain his own motivation as he attempts to keep the shipโ€™s morale up in the face of fierce battles, intense storms, and dwindling supplies.

At times, the movie grows slow and drawn out but that is intentional to make you feel like you are trapped underwater with nothing to do and nowhere to go.

Although this movie didn’t get any distinct recognition as a war film, many who have actually watched the movie glorify it as a perfect depiction of the intense and harsh life of soldiers during the World War.

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The Great Escape

Based on a true story this film is known to be an action-filled and adrenaline-rushing movie of 1963. With the brilliant direction of John Sturges, this movie depicts the exciting story of a group of allied soldiers who are imprisoned during World War II  in a German POW camp.

They are determined on breaking out of prison, not only to escape but also to draw Nazi forces away from the battle by diverting their attention. The allied soldiers are locked up in an impenetrable prison and have to get out through teamwork. The movie shows the soldiers preparing for, making and dealing with the aftermath of an epic escape from the German POW camp.

It shows the fascinating escape with few embellishments for dramatic and comedic effect through a motorcycle sequence. All in all the movie is very entertaining as it shows what ordinary men can do in adverse circumstances along with what the soldiers did during World War II, how it changed them and what prison life felt like at that time.

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